Through the process of a transformative breathwork practice, combined with mediative guidance and a multi-layered sound immersion of ancient ceremonial music, natural atmospheres and evocative vocals we will cultivate an environment for deep self-exploration, connectedness and belonging.
Held within a sacred container of love, acceptance and tenderness, we will come to understand the medicine of the masculine and how, when contacted with truth and intimacy, it becomes a powerful tool for both individual and community healing.
Having extensive training and experience in psychology, social work, mental health and creating inclusive communities, we have a deep passion for creating supportive spaces that allow men to build a strong internal foundation and sense of presence, uncover their deepest life purpose and gifts, develop safe and enriching relationships with others, and enhance their capacity to serve the world from a place of wholeness.
Our mission is to develop a curiosity and awareness of the dominant myths, narratives and agreements we are defined by. We recognise that the story of separation is only one possible story. When we dismantle our social programming that normalises competition, control and selfishness, it allows innumerable life-enriching potentialities and new dynamic stories to emerge.